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What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Colorado Springs

May 15, 2023 – David W. Foley – Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Colorado Springs

With its diverse landscape of arid deserts, river canyons, and the Rocky Mountains, Colorado offers the perfect environment for motorcyclists seeking a joy ride. Who can resist the rush of fresh air, the sight of natural beauty, and the exhilarating feeling of freedom as you travel throughout Colorado Springs and beyond on a motorcycle? As your neighbors, we understand. And we want you to enjoy our state’s magnificent views while remaining safe and protecting other passengers.

Motorcyclists have less protection in a crash than drivers and passengers of cars and trucks. Accidents are often catastrophic, and the blindness drivers experience when it comes to motorcycles can leave riders vulnerable and exposed.

Eighty percent of motorcycle crashes result in injuries, and the number of fatalities is on an upward trajectory. Have you sustained an injury in a motorcycle accident in Colorado Springs? Personal injury attorney David Foley of The Foley Law Firm shares these helpful tips to preserve your health and your ability to recover compensation. Don’t let an injury ruin your life. Call us at (719) 757-1182 to schedule a free consultation.

6-Step Checklist After Motorcycle Accidents in Colorado Springs

The moments after a motorcycle crash can cause confusion, especially if you or a loved one has sustained an injury.

When keeping a cool head feels like an impossible challenge, this checklist gives you a framework that allows everyone involved in the accident to remain safe.

Step 1: Get Everyone Safely Off the Roadway

Safety should always be the number one priority; remaining on the roadway can lead to further injuries. If possible, remove the motorcycle and any vehicles from the road and onto the shoulder or another safe area away from oncoming traffic.

In some situations where a driver, passenger, or motorcycle rider has sustained an injury, moving the person might not be feasible (or even wise). Call an ambulance, and do not attempt to move someone if it could exacerbate an injury.

Step 2: Call the Police and an Ambulance

Call the police so that an officer can file a police report. This report will be invaluable evidence for the insurance company handling your claim. The police will ask many questions and collect witness statements if a third party observed the accident.

The officer may also issue a citation for any broken traffic laws. A police-issued citation can serve as evidence to support your case.

If any injuries may require immediate medical attention, contact an ambulance.

Step 3: Collect Insurance and Contact Information from the Other Driver

Even if you’re unsure if you’ve been injured or who was at fault for the accident, exchange contact information with the driver. Take a photo of their driver’s license and insurance card to avoid the possibility of transcribing information incorrectly.

Step 4: Document Evidence at the Scene

While the police will collect and document evidence, gathering your own data is also a good idea. This data could include photographing your motorcycle and the other driver’s vehicle to document the damage. These photographs could also provide forensic data that will allow an investigator to reverse engineer how the accident happened.

If the weather has compromised road conditions or visibility, or there is inadequate signage, you can share photos with the police and your attorney. The same is true if you notice that the authorities failed to adequately maintain roadways.

While the police will likely interview witnesses, it’s also a good idea to collect the names, phone numbers, and preliminary statements of any witnesses on the scene.

Step 5: Seek Medical Attention

As soon as you can, visit a doctor or hospital for a physical examination. Your injuries might not be immediately obvious, but delaying a doctor’s visit could harm your health and your case. It’s not unusual to feel zero pain while adrenaline is pumping through your veins, and waiting too long to see a doctor can damage your body further.

Delaying medical attention can signal to the insurance company that your injuries were not serious, compromising your credibility and the amount of money you could recover.

Step 6: Contact a Colorado Springs Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Sadly, insurance companies are not on your side. Their actions are motivated by profit, which means their goal is to pay you as little as possible. They won’t hesitate to deny your claim if they can get away with it.

For this reason, having a personal injury attorney on your side is vital to protect your rights. Your attorney will go to bat for you and negotiate with the insurance companies. You’ll also get valuable advice about handling insurance companies, doctors’ visits, conversations with your employer, and your day-to-day life as you recover from your injuries.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident? The Foley Law Firm Can Help You Put Your Life Back Together

Don’t put the fate of your case in the hands of the insurance companies. The Colorado Springs personal injury attorneys at The Foley Law Firm are neighbors and advocates working to help you recover financially from the accident. Call (719) 757-1182 to schedule a free consultation.

Copyright© 2023. The Foley Law Firm. All Rights Reserved.

The information in this blog post (“post”) is provided for general informational purposes only and may not reflect the current law in your jurisdiction. No information contained in this post should be construed as legal advice from the individual author or the law firm, nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. No reader of this post should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information included in, or accessible through, this post without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a lawyer licensed in the recipient’s state, country or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction.

The Foley Law Firm
222 East Costilla Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 757-1182

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